January 7th, ATVOR Ray

For more information on Ray initiation, click here.

*Level 1: Three rays max including ATVOR ray

For Level 1, you may select 3 rays max including ATVOR ray.
In addition to Level 1 rays, you may select 3 rays max for Level 2 rays.

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*来自中国(中国大陆)的参会申请,请提前通过电子邮件 ( ascensionjapan2025@gmail.com ) 与我们联系,并获得我们的授权。

7th ATVOR Ray

Applications have been closed.


This ray became active with the final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius on November 19th, 2024 and can be given to humanity after January 1st, 2025.

This is the most powerful of all rays, as it is our direct connection with the Cosmic Soul and the next cosmic cycle.

It amplifies the efficiency of ATVOR technology, accelerates the Ascension process, amplifies the effect of all other rays your were initiated into, improves the protection field around you, connects you with the Ashtar Command and removes anomaly.